Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat.

The main objective of the organization are as following :

1. To create awareness for promoting community conservation of indigenous flora, fauna, diverse ecosystems and vegetation of Bangladesh.
2. To conduct and promote education program and research activities for generating as well as improving the knowledge and understanding of the indigenous flora, fauna and vegetation of Bangladesh along with the terrestrial, marine and fresh water ecosystems.
3. To promote and be actively involved in the conservation and sustainable use of flora, fauna, diverse ecosystems of Bangladesh.
4. To conduct and promote survey, make inventory and monitor the floral and faunal diversity in different ecosystems of Bangladesh.
5. To undertake and promote survey, monitoring and research on endangered species of wildlife.
6. To conduct, support and promote taxonomical studies on all collected floral and faunal species.
7. To promote, support and implement programs for rehabilitation of terrestrial, marine and fresh water ecosystem in Bangladesh.
8. To conduct, promote and support studies on biology and ecology of wild animals.
9. To initiate programs and conduct capacity building as well as human resource development activities on wildlife and nature conservation.
10. To work for development of status report on conservation of all listed threatened and protected species along with the listed ecosystem.
11. To promote, support and assist to protect, maintain and conserve the threatened or selected floral and faunal species for ex-situ as well as in-situ conservation.
12. To collect, process, generate and disseminate information on plant and animal diversity.
13. To conduct environmental and climate change impact studies on floral, faunal and diversity along with its terrestrial, marine and fresh water ecosystems.
14. To promote research fellowship on nature and wildlife conservation.
15. To monitor and oversee the implementation of the programs, project and activities funded or supported by this foundation partly or wholly.
16. To sponsor, conduct and arrange training programs, seminars, workshop and meetings to promote interaction amongst non-government and government organizations, voluntary agencies and societies, local government bodies, communities and individuals to attain the objectives of the foundation.
17. To initiate, undertake and arrange training programs for personnel of the foundation, partner organizations and other bodies and for those working for the projects and programs for wildlife biodiversity & nature conservation.
18. To publish guidelines, manuals, magazines, periodicals, journals, bulletins, leaflets, posters, brochures, booklets and books in print and electronic form and communications by mobile phone and SMS to promote the conservation and management of nature, wildlife and biodiversity as well as ecosystem.
19. To recruit, appoint, take on loan, deputation or on contract any employee(s), consultant(s), experts(s) to serve or work for the society or for the projects or programs of the society, or enter into any other agreements in this regard or to discontinue and terminate their services as deemed fit and proper to manage, administer and run the society and meet its objectives.
20. To enter into contract with any individual or professional organization for promoting activities related to nature conservation and in line with the objectives of the society.
21. To establish and maintain contact and collaborate with other organizations, institutions, bodies and societies in Bangladesh and abroad, including relevant international agencies with similar objectives and co-operate with such institutions, bodies and organizations for furthering the objectives of the society.
22. To use all the society’s income for the advancement of its activities in line with its objects.
23. To purchase, take on lease, allotment or hire or otherwise acquire, erect or adapt movable or immovable properties as required and to sell, let out or hire all or any portion of the same as may be thought desirable.
24. To enter into any arrangement with the government or any other authority, local, municipal or otherwise, public or quasi-public bodies which are conducive to the objectives of the society.